The Disability Art and Culture Project is proud to announce receipt of a grant from the Kaiser Permanente Community Fund at Northwest Health Foundation, to support the REAL: Reject Economic Ableist Limits initiative. We invite you to join us to learn more, and let your voices be heard, at two upcoming events Wednesday, February 15, and Friday, February 17.
Photo by Kim Cooksey
Dis/Representation: “REAL: Reject Economic Ableist Limits, Panel on Disability Employment”
Wednesday, February 15, 2017
6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Portland Community College Cascade Campus
Student Union Room 203
705 N Killingsworth St, Portland, OR 97217
Join our panel of disability activists to learn more about economic barriers for people with disabilities, and hear panelists’ personal experiences with employment obstacles. Q & A will follow. Audience feedback welcomed concerning economic justice, and policy issues for the REAL initiative. Become a REAL partner! We’re recruiting more partners to work on economic justice for our community.
Panel on Disability Employment: Oregon Health Authority Office of Equity and Inclusion; Saara Hirsi, African Community Youth Organization; Kiel Moses, REAL / DACP Partner; Michelle Sobel, LCSW
For accommodations, transit & parking info, online participation, discussion materials and more, visit, or contact us at .
Click here to join us on Facebook!
REAL D Community Meeting: Intersectional Disability and Race Prioritization Session
Friday, February 17, 2017
3:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Lincoln Building Floor 7
Transformation Training Room
421 SW Oak St, Portland, OR 97204
RSVP to attend:
The Oregon Health Authority Office of Equity and Inclusion and REAL: Reject Economic Ableist Limits are collaborating to host a community meeting. Your help is needed to plan for the implementation of the Oregon House Bill 2134, for the collection of race, ethnicity, language and disability (REAL D) demographic data. We want to learn about data collection and analysis needs related to social and health indicators for disability and intersecting communities. You may ask – REAL and Health? Economics? Yes, economic justice impacts our health. When we talk about health in these meetings, we are also considering the social determinants of health such as employment, insurance, income, poverty, transportation, and so on.
Your feedback is needed to prioritize the type of data implemented with the REAL D standards so that information from the Oregon Health Authority can be used to promote the health of people in the disability and intersecting communities.
ASL interpretation and CART will be provided.
Location served by MAX lines at Oak / Pine, and 5th / 6th streets.
If you would like to participate remotely, contact .
For other inquiries, contact OHA’s Marjorie McGee at .
Click here to join us on Facebook!
Dis/Representation is made possible through a grant from the Multnomah County Cultural Coalition and the Oregon Cultural Trust, and our partnership with Portland Community College Disability Services.