Meet Ali Trudo!

Ali Trudo is a sophomore at Milwaukie Academy of the Arts. This is her first time dancing.

Text "Shannon Knight Photography." IAVDC dancers Chloe, a pale-skinned young woman with curly short ginger hair, wearing glasses and a black dress with skulls printed all over it, and Ali, a slim young woman with pale skin and dark hair, dance together. Ali is wearing a red t-shirt with a black spray-painted "X" across the chest, and black pants. Chloe is standing looking to the left, bathed in light; Ali's face is in the pool of light and there are light shadows over the rest of her. Ali's right hand is reaching forward, arm tight to her body, and her left arm is open and trailing behind her; her hair falls over her face. Additionally, a sliver of another dancer's arm and leg are visible between Chloe and Ali in the background.

Chloe, Monique (behind), and Ali dancing

Ali likes to dance because it helps her let out her emotions. She likes dancing because she gets to meet new people and connect with them.

Shannon Knight Photography printed on the photo. Picture of Ali Trudo in the center of the frame, leaning against the dance studio wall, left leg up, arms crossed, looking tough in her slashed black leggings and black-spray-painted red t-shirt. On the right of the picture another dancer, Monique, leans against a protrusion in the back wall, holding her weight on her left arm, right arm pulling her feet toward her body, curled up in the corner. Monique is also in red and black. To the left is Chloe, a dancer sitting on the ground in white socks and black pants and a short black dress with skulls on it, her curly hair tousled. The studio is sepia-toned, warmly lit. The dancers look tough but relaxed.Chloe, Ali, & Monique

This is Ali’s first year with IAVDC. Catch her performance at Home/Unrestrained this May 3, 4, and 5!

Group shot of IAVDC dancers. A dancer in a black tank top and white fluffy tulle skirt facing the wall in the left corner, left arm stretched out behind her like she's in the middle of a spin; Rachel, a dancer in black with skull gloves and a big white skull on her black shirt, sits behind the other dancer's skirt in the corner against the back wall, one hand up, mouth open; in the center of the photo, Ali Trudo, right arm crossed across her body, right leg crossed over left, left arm trailing down and lightly touching another sitting dancer's head--Chloe, sitting cross-legged on the floor to the right of Ali, arms crossed and touching opposite shoulders; next to Ali and behind chloe is Rachel W in profile, in punk black clothes, dancing in her wheelchair and being pushed by her PA, who's also dressed in black; to their right, at the right of the photo, is Sam, a young man in black with a studded leather bracelet and striking eyeliner, dancing in his wheelchair and being pushed by his PA, another woman dressed in black with bare feet.

IAVDC in rehearsal

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